Verse - Vavau'a Tonga

Vavaú Tonga – Verse

Vavaú´s a sailing paradise
It´s one of our favourite stays
With dozens of places to anchor
In lovely protected bays

It has spots to tie up, it has places to eat
The water is perfect blue
You can swim,you can walk,you can paint,you can read
You can sail if you wish to,too

There is Hunga island,the Blue Lagoon
Port Maurelle and Neiafu
The calm at Tapana´s gallery
And the easterly Kenutu

Where the big Pacific rollers crash
Upon the outside shore
Whereas in the lee it is sheltered
With no ocean apart from the roar

There are narrow passes and reefs to dodge
To keep you on your toes
Navigationally.It´s challenging
Especially when it blows (as it does for a couple of days)

Lape is a place for a feast and church
An island of beautiful voices
Five clans live here and Cario
Is the man who makes their choices

It rains for 2 days which takes off some gloss
But Fiji is in the air
The admiral gets us away from the dock
With only a metre to spare

July 2013