March 7th. 2012
After enjoying 11 months at home spending time with our family and friends, and catching up on our affairs there, we are ready to set off on Impulsive again.
The trip begins with a highlight visiting Scott, Jeanette, Augusta, Lily and baby Alexander in Copenhagen. We always have a wonderful time there with them.

March 12th.
Now we are in Curacao to prepare Impulsive for the next leg of our trip. We are delighted to to arrive to find her interior completely free of mould and mildew. It would be so depressing to be confronted with this after all our preparations before we left the boat to prevent it. The yacht is still on the hard stand, and has had the hull painted and
However there are several issues to be dealt with before we can leave. Everyone runs on "island time" , which is very frustrating. It is so difficult to organize assistance. Ross feels he needs to be on the boat from 7.30am every morning and to stay there all day in case we miss one of the workman. They rarely come when they say they will.
List of issues to be dealt with before the boat can return to the water:
Replace the bow thruster propeller. This was ordered months agoand still hasn´t arrived (some internal politics at the marina involved)
Clean out the water inlets in the hull (these were painted over when the hull was repainted, and luckily Ross knew to check these)
Other issues:
We are very relieved that only the starter batteries need replacing (the water levels hadn´t been topped up as requested!). Ross initially thought there were problems with all the major batteries and the inverter. Several boats had their batteries wiped out with an electrical storm, and it takes many weeks for replacement batteries to arrive and be cleared through customs.
Spinnaker pole track
Ross brought a new one over from Australia, but the measurements they sent from here were incorrect so an alternative solution is still being discussed. It is not easy to find an alternative.
To have a thorough check
To be checked and re-gased. It is imperative the fridges are in 100% working condition with our long legs ahead and needing to stock up when food is available e.g. vacuum packed food is best to buy here
Engine and generator
To be serviced. Also the dinghy motor to be serviced
Another minor frustration is they say it will take a week to get the gas bottles filled, and they still need to be chased up.
March 21st.
We are excited to have the bow thruster propeller, which arrived late yesterday, fitted this morning. Impulsive is back in the water by lunch time.

Ross spends the afternoon running all the systems to check what needs attention. Most functions are working well. The fridges need checking.
We enjoy our stay in Curacao very much. Staying at the Kura Hulanda hotel is a treat. The 18th. and 19th. century colonial buildings in their soft pastel colours are set up like a village. The museum here is a harsh reminder of the inhumane slave trade experienced here many years ago The main village square is where the slaves used to be sold.
Everyone is very welcoming and eager to help both at the hotel and at the marina. The people here generally seem happy and relaxed. Also we needed help with the computer which apparently had a virus. The "apple" man who fixed the problem was very generous with his time, especially during the weekend.
We take advantage of free time from the boat during he weekend as no-one is working on her. We have a great time. Swimming with the dolphins, our favourite sealife, is a fantastic experience. It amazes us what they have been trained to do, especially using their ultra-sophisticated sonar systems.
We drive to the west end of the island to spend time at Kura Hulanda Beach Club, including swimming in the beautiful waters here. Returning down the s.w. coast we swim at Lagun beach, a small magnificent cove surrounded by cliffs. Swimming in this secluded, turqu
oise water with the sun shining on it is wonderful.
We are disappointed with the floating market in the city centre. The local food is worth trying in the old market near there.
The 2 restaurants we enjoy are:
Bistro Le Clochard in the Rif fort walls. It has excellent cuisine and a marvelous view over the harbour.
The Wine Cellar. It is established in an old house. We try the recommended "lion fish" which is delicious. These fish are a nuisance to the area having been accidently introduced from up north. They are a beautiful fish but are poisonous if they sting you, they multiply rapidly and dominate over many other fish in the area.
March 22nd.
Today we move back onto Impulsive which we are both looking forward. There is quite a community of yachties at the marina from all parts of the world. Everyone is keen to help out with problems if they can. We have met up with Jim and his son again who we met in Lankawi a few years ago. His wife doesn´t enjoy the long passages so will meet up with them later. We have just mised seeing the 2 couples we spent time with here last year, but hopefully we will catch up with the Turnbulls in Colon.
We are disappointed with the floating market in the city centre. The local food is worth trying in the old market near there.
The 2 restaurants we enjoy are:
Bistro Le Clochard in the Rif fort walls. It has excellent cuisine and a marvelous view over the harbour.
The Wine Cellar. It is established in an old house. We try the recommended "lion fish" which is delicious. These fish are a nuisance to the area having been accidently introduced from up north. They are a beautiful fish but are poisonous if they sting you, they multiply rapidly and dominate over many other fish in the area.
March 22nd.
Today we move back onto Impulsive which we are both looking forward. There is quite a community of yachties at the marina from all parts of the world. Everyone is keen to help out with problems if they can. We have met up with Jim and his son again who we met in Lankawi a few years ago. His wife doesn´t enjoy the long passages so will meet up with them later. We have just mised seeing the 2 couples we spent time with here last year, but hopefully we will catch up with the Turnbulls in Colon.
Let´s Go and Impulsive