New Caledonia to Australia - verse

New Caledonia-Verse

It´s a bit of a slog from Port Vila
Until the pass in the reef
Which we slither through at 9 plus knots
(Then slow down to our relief)

There´s a place to tie up at Port Moselle
Which is right near the heart of town
A 5 minute walk to the market
And some restaurants of renown

Chez Toto´s is our favourite one
Then Au P´tit Café
A patisserie and coffee stop
Is scheduled every day

We walk in the Latin quarter
We try the boulangerie
We enjoy the sound of spoken French
(The admiral perfects “Ah oui”)

This time we are there for Prue and Bob
But Bob´s copybook has some blots
For despite last year´s certificate
He´s gone and forgotten his knots

Still, we have a good week at the Ile des Pins
We anchor in Kuto Bay
Then at Port Vao and Ilot Moro
(Which we´re pleased to leave early next day)

Then we sail up the coast to Uro
Where Meridian has its resort
Go swimming in the piscine naturelle
It´s refreshing as well as good sport

We enjoy our time in Noumea
But we´re ready to leave because
The smell of home´s in our nostrils
We´re heading back to Oz

It´s a 5 day trip to Bundaberg
And at first it´s pretty rough
Now it settles down, we´re enjoying it
But we think this will be enough

We arrive to quite dismal conditions
Sandy Cape doesn´t seem to be there
But we´ve made it around the world (in 8 years)(Yippee)
And Impulsive has done it with flair

She can have a good rest up at Hamilton
Take it easy for a while
Then with family and friends to entertain
She´ll be there with her verve and style
