2006 - THE START of our TRAVELS
Leaving Sydney Harbour
Sailing up the coast
spotting whales
Sailing with Russell and Steve at Mooloolaba
Fun with the Jones and Melletts at Noosa
Sailing in the Whitsundays with Chris and Mike
Sailing in the Whitsundays with Steve and Scott
Flying the spinnaker
Long Is. - Whitsundays
Leaving Port Douglas
and Richard
N.E. coast
Rounding Cape York
Sailing with Terry and Birks
Terry - going into Elcho Is.
Elcho Is.
Elcho Is.
Leaving Elcho Is.
Dinner on board
Sailing up the coast
spotting whales
Sailing with Russell and Steve at Mooloolaba
Fun with the Jones and Melletts at Noosa
Sailing in the Whitsundays with Chris and Mike
Sailing in the Whitsundays with Steve and Scott
Flying the spinnaker
Long Is. - Whitsundays
Leaving Port Douglas
and Richard
N.E. coast
Rounding Cape York
Sailing with Terry and Birks
Terry - going into Elcho Is.
Elcho Is.
Elcho Is.
Leaving Elcho Is.
Dinner on board