Verse- Panama to Galapagos
We are through the Canal (with a couple of bumps)
We are sailing in the Pacific
So far it´s living up to it´s name
It´s vast but far from terrific
It is still as we sail to Las Perlas
To Isla San Pedro Gonzales
There are mangoes, we swim in the beautiful bay
And catch up with the Mawalis
Rob discovers his job description grows
With each new electrical feat
He arrived with a modest sized Octopus pump
To a Panama Customs treat
The dolphins put on a spectacular show
A marlin leaps up high
The flying fish flee their predators
The stars fill the northern sky
A gull shows up white in the light of the boat
The phosphorescence glows
Some sea bids wheel, a turtle floats by
The Pacific wind gently blows
We find ourselves in a thunderstorm
Which crowds around the boat
But apart from that it´s as peaceful
As the rhythms of life afloat
There is breakfast, a read, a trim of the sails
There is lunch and an afternoon snooze
There´s happy hour (water),there´s dinner outside
Then the calm of the night watch recluse
We are having no luck with the fishing yet
( Lost a lure in record time)
But the Admiral produces some wonderful meals
Her culinary skills are sublime
We are 200 miles from San Cristobal
There´s a day and a bit to go
We´re the only ones here on this huge disk of sea
Life forever should be this slow
We cross the equator without much fuss
There was nobody (including Neptune) up but Suse
We have in mind a few good sleeps
And then our Darwinian cruise
April 2012