We go in by dinghy past the famous row of old windmills on the hilltop and tie up at the small beach in front of the waterfront busy with restaurants. Dinner here, at sunset, is a treat. We meet two young women from New Zealand here who are living and working at Cephalonia. They are great fun and ask us to look them up when we arrive there.
Dinner is interrupted when Ross notices the dinghy is filling with water from the wash of a large ferry. It is lucky he sees this happening or the weight of the dinghy might have broken its lanyard and let it loose to the seas. He and Phil empty it out and lift it up onto the beach.
Behind the waterfront is Little Venice. It is very easy to lose your sense of direction here. We wander through these narrow and winding ally ways looking for an Internet for Phil and Wendy so they can book their ferry trip to Athens, and then a flight to London.
We come across many white-washed churches and hundreds of small shops selling very trendy clothes, jewelry and sandals. There are also galleries, restaurants and bars. And crowds of people. It is a wonderful place to people watch, especially seeing the young in their fashions.
Bougainvillea seems to be in full bloom and cascading just in all the right places. Mykonos is definitely touristy but somehow seems to manage it well.
The wind is forecast to come up again, so we decide to up anchor and move to Ormos Bay for better protection. Just after we do this a very strong wind comes up. Phil and Robbie are anchored here too with their guests so we share some fun meeting for drinks on board and dinner on-shore at a taverna.
Phil and Wendy are staying an extra night rather than spending an extra night in Athens, so the four of us drive over to Super Paradise Beach and have a delicious lunch at the Coco Bar. The swimming is excellent, so we spend time just relaxing. There are obviously people here who lead alternative lifestyles, but everyone is happy relaxing in their own way.
We see Phil and Wendy off at their ferry. As Phil would say "we've had good fun" with them on board. Phil is such a keen crew, and we enjoyed Wendy's help with photography and the computer.
Barbequed tuna
Marinate the tuna in lime juice
Coat tuna in black sesame seeds and barbeque
serve with ratatouille,
potato salad with a light dressing and fresh oregano finely chopped over it.
and salad (including goats cheese, kos lettuce and avocado).
We make use of the hire car - provisioning, some extras for the boat and some more exploring of the island.
Later this afternoon we drag anchor, which you hope will never happen to you. The pilot book does warn of this here because of the weedy bottom. Fortunately, we are on the boat so all is well. Phil happens to call by at the right time again!
Early evening we have drinks with the American couple nearby. They have been traveling the world for 15 years, so are very interesting to talk with.
We can't believe the anchor starts to drag again tonight. Ross always sleeps lightly when there is any risk like this so we deal with it quickly and re-anchor and then have a sleep in.